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No one believes Fianna Fail’s crocodile tears over housing – McCarthy

No one believes Fianna Fail’s crocodile tears today over housing provision in the State.  They are an insult to the thousands of families who have been consigned to lengthy waiting lists thanks to the massive legacy issue that is Fianna Fail’s botched housing policy while in power.   Micheal Martin has a serious credibility problem…

Labour Admin

05 February 2016

Labour has done more for climate change than Greens ever did

Eamon Ryan’s comments on climate change are frankly unbelievable. He claims one of the only reasons he went into government with Fianna Fail was to deliver climate change legislation, which he then utterly failed to do.   I’m happy to discuss climate change with Eamon Ryan any day of the week.   In contrast to Eamon Ryan…

Labour Admin

04 February 2016

Micheal Martin is the Bobby Ewing of Irish Politics

Wants everyone to forget that Fianna Fail crashed the country Two days into this campaign and Micheal Martin is already tying himself in knots over Fianna Fail’s ruinous economic record. Yesterday, Deputy Martin said the 2012 apology he made for Fianna Fail’s economic recklessness “stands”, yet wasn’t prepared to say if he would repeat the…

Labour Admin

04 February 2016

Do FF and SF not believe in full employment?

Earlier today Labour launched a comprehensive plan to ensure there is a job for everyone who wants one by 2018. The plan is built on investing in people, helping companies access the funding they need to grow, investing in innovation and providing better supports for start-ups. It is astonishing that Fianna Fáil and Sinn Féin…

Labour Admin

04 February 2016

European Commission forecasts give the lie to opposition claims on economy – Howlin

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Brendan Howlin TD, has described this morning’s European Commission economic forecasts as a “ringing endorsement of the Irish economy and this Government’s handling of the crisis it inherited from Micheál Martin and Fianna Fáil”. “If the Irish people need a further reason not to contemplate handing control of…

Labour Admin

04 February 2016

Labour will deliver a job for everyone who wants one by 2018 – Burton & Nash

Tánaiste and Labour Party Leader Joan Burton, and Business and Employment Minister Ged Nash, launched ‘Standing up for Jobs’, the Labour Party’s plan for full employment by 2018 this morning in Drogheda. Labour plans to: Deliver a job for everyone who wants one by 2018 and will do this by investing in people, in skills and in the…

Labour Admin

04 February 2016

Martin wrong to claim credit for clearing up the mess he helped cause

Earlier today Micheal Martin had the gall to claim that the economic recovery is down to the work of the previous Fianna Fail administration. Let us remind him of his comments at the Fianna Fail Ard Fheis in 2012 where he quite explicitly admitted that Fianna Fail was in the wrong: “We were in government…

Labour Admin

03 February 2016

Slab Murphy not standing in general election, but Gerry Adams is

While the Sinn Fein President, Gerry Adams, wants to pretend that the case of his friend Slab Murphy is irrelevant to the General Election campaign, the fact is that the nature of their relationship is something voters should think long and hard about over the coming weeks. We hardly need to go over the long…

03 February 2016

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