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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Fianna Fáil let down the people of Fingal by abstaining on Aircraft Noise Bill.

Labour TD for Dublin Fingal, Brendan Ryan has criticised Fianna Fáil for facilitating the passing of the Aircraft Noice (Dublin Airport) Regulation Bill 2018.  Deputy Ryan said; “On Wednesday evening we came to discuss the critical stage of the Aircraft Noise (Dublin Airport) Regulations Bill 2018, the Report Stage Amendments. This Bill is quite controversial…

Labour Admin

14 February 2019

Gov agree to meet ex-service people following questions from Howlin

Following questions in the Dáil from Labour Party Leader, Brendan Howlin TD, the Minister for Defence, Paul Kehoe, has agreed to meet the Organisation of National Ex-Service Personnel. Deputy Howlin said: “Following my questions in the Dáil today about ONE’s campaign to highlight homelessness among former servicemen and women, the Minister for Defence has agreed…

Labour Admin

14 February 2019

Penrose raises issue of unfair employment situation within CE Schemes

Labour Spokesperson for Rural and Community Affairs, Willie Penrose TD, has today raised in the Dáil, with the Minister Doherty the ongoing issue of unfair employment situation for Supervisors on Community Employment Schemes. This follows the recent decision of CE Supervisors to withdraw labour and engage in protests in locations around the country on Monday 18th February.  These…

Labour Admin

14 February 2019

C&AG confirms to Kelly rules around civil servants on boards

At today’s meeting of the Public Accounts Committee the Comptroller and Auditor General confirmed to Labour Party Health spokesperson and Vice Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, Alan Kelly TD that civil servants are subject to circular 2010/12.  Circular 2010/12 from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform sets out very clearly the responsibilities of…

14 February 2019


Labour Party Housing spokesperson Jan O’Sullivan has criticised the FG/Independent Government for persisting in pouring more and more money into the pockets of private landlords rather than ramping up construction of social and affordable homes on publicly owned land. “The figures for housing delivery published by Minister Murphy last night reveal that 69% of the…

Labour Admin

14 February 2019

Unfair Employment Situation for Community Employment Supervisors

Brendan Howlin TD, Leader of the Labour Party, today asked the Taoiseach about the unfair situation for Supervisors on Community Employment Schemes. These schemes are funded by the Department of Social Protection, yet are not subject to the Public Service Superannuation Act 2018, which means they are not being given the same opportunity as other people paid by the…

Labour Admin

13 February 2019

More outsourcing of Lab work to be confirmed by Scally

Labour Party Health spokesperson Alan Kelly TD, has said that after today’s Health Committee on CervicalCheck, that we need further confirmation on the outsourcing of lab work from Dr Gabriel Scally.  Deputy Kelly’s comments come ahead of the publication of Dr Gabriel Scally’s second report into CervicalCheck. Deputy Kelly said: “Today in the Health Committee…

13 February 2019

Cosgrove selected to contest for Labour in Sligo Local Elections

On Tuesday night in the Sligo SIPTU offices, Nessa Cosgrove was selected to contest the local elections in May for the Labour Party in the Sligo-Strandhill ward. The convention was attended by Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin TD. Addressing members of the Party at the selection convention Cosgrove outlined her reasons for running, and what…

13 February 2019

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