Oireachtas must stop dragging feet on Constituencies bill

Labour spokesperson and candidate for Dublin Central, Joe Costello has called on the Dáil to stop dragging its feet on the Electoral (Amendment) (Dail Constituencies) Bill 2017 and ensure it is passed in the week to come. Mr Costello said: “Despite listing the Electoral (Amendment) (Dail Constituencies) Bill 2017 for debate on two days last…

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British Cabinet politicing suggests we have a long way to go on soft Brexit

Labour Leader Brendan Howlin has warned that the internal politics of the British Conservative Party could derail the prospects of a ‘soft’ Brexit with the advantages that would bring for Ireland. Deputy Howlin said: “It is deeply disappointing to hear a number of comments over the weekend from a number of cabinet ministers and to…

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Howlin warns against complacency as poll reveals support for 8th repeal

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin TD, has welcomed the findings of an Ipsos/Mori opinion poll showing strong support for repealing the 8th amendment to the constitution. Deputy Howlin said: “While these indications are welcome at this stage, there is a considerably long journey to travel on this campaign. “However, it is significant that support for…

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Labour investment in Luas pays dividend- Humphreys

Embargoed 00.01, Saturday, December 9th Welcoming the launch of the Luas Cross City Line today, Dublin Labour Senator and Spokesperson on Transport, Kevin Humphreys has called on the Government to prioritise investment in public transport in the ten-year capital plan. Senator Humphreys said: “This is a great day for the city of Dublin, as the…

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The devil will be in the detail of future EU-UK discussions

The Leader of the Labour Party Brendan Howlin has said that today’s agreement between the EU and the UK marks the start of a process, not an end, and that the devil will be very much in the details of discussions ahead. Deputy Howlin welcomed the commitment in the agreed Commission text that the British…

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Schulz federal proposals misguided

Labour Party Leader and foreign affairs spokesperson, Brendan Howlin TD has described proposals made by SPD leader Martin Schulz on European integration as misguided and potentially dangerous to the wellbeing of the EU. Deputy Howlin said: “The idea that in the midst of the biggest crisis the European Union has faced we should begin a…

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Labour Youth Condemns Trump’s Jerusalem Statement

Labour Youth has today condemned Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem, including occupied Palestinian territory, as Israel’s capital. Speaking on the matter, Labour Youth Chairperson, Chloe Manahan said: “Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel represents an extremely dangerous threat to what is already a precarious arrangement of peace. “It is not only foolish…

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New legislation silent on ‘if & when’ contracts

Senator Ged Nash has warned that new legislation published today by Minister Regina Doherty may not in fact cover the phenomenon of ‘if & when’ contracts. Senator Nash said: “During the process I initiated with the University of Limerick, a new and dubious form of precarious work was identified, the so-called “if & when” contract. “This…

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Penrose seeks redoubling of efforts to secure industry for Mullingar

Labour TD for Longford Westmeath, Willie Penrose, has called on the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation and the IDA, to redouble their efforts to secure a significant industry for the 22.5 hectare IDA Business and Technology park at Marlinstown in Mullingar. It comes in response to a Parliamentary Question put by Deputy Penrose to…

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Extravagant Ballsbridge apartments highlight two tier society

Labour Senator and spokesperson for Dublin, Kevin Humphreys has said the extravagant apartments being built and sold in Ballsbridge highlights our two tier society and the failure of the Government to tackle the housing crisis and provide for affordable housing. Senator Humphreys said: “The outrageous price of €6.5 million that has been paid for a…

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Ó Ríordáin supports calls for introduction of ‘Fagin’s Law’

Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has welcomed the call in the tenth report by Special Rapporteur on Child Protection, Dr Geoffrey Shannon, for the introduction of a so-called ‘Fagin’s Law’. Fagin’s Law refers to a special offence to prosecute adults who groom children to carry out crimes including theft, prostitution, assault and murder. This is particularly…

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Howlin calls for school competition to name new National Children’s Hospital

Speaking in the Dáil today, Labour Party Leader, Brendan Howlin TD, asked the Minister for Health to consider running a competition in our schools to name the new National Children’s Hospital. Deputy Howlin said: “The general scheme of the Children’s Health Bill as published has left blank the name of the National Children’s /hospital. “In…

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Burton welcomes halt to planned changes to Early Childhood Care and Education scheme

Labour TD Joan Burton has said that the needs of children with disabilities must take centre stage when any changes are being considered to the Early Childhood Care and Education scheme. Deputy Burton has welcomed the announcement by Minister Zappone that a consultation process is being launched with parents on the issue, and will raise…

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Constitution not the place to deal with abortion

At today’s meeting of the Oireachtas Committee on the Eighth Amendment, the Labour Party’s Jan O’Sullivan has called for clarity around the proposed referendum on the Eighth Amendment. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “As the committee on the Eighth Amendment moves towards the publication of our report on 20th December, I am calling on the Government to…

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Trump should concentrate on restarting peace process in Middle East – Howlin

Labour Party Leader and spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Brendan Howlin TD, has said the decision by Donald Trump to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital will damage long-term peace in the Middle East. Deputy Howlin said: “The decision of Donald Trump to move the US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem is a provocative act that damages…

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Burton welcomes planned rise in compulsory retirement age

Labour spokesperson for Finance, Pubic Expenditure and Reform, Joan Burton TD, has welcomed the move by Government to raise the compulsory retirement age in the public sector from 65 to 70. Deputy Burton said: “Many people don’t feel ready to retire at the age of 65 and still have a valuable contribution to make to…

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Costello welcomes High Court decision

Former Labour TD Joe Costello has welcomed the decision of the Government to set an urgent date for the passage of the Electoral (Amendment) (Dail Constituencies) Bill 2017. He was speaking today after the hearing of his application to the High Court for a Declaration that urgent legislation was necessary to prevent a constitutional challenge…

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We must fight against precarious work – Labour Youth

Labour Youth has called on the Government to prioritise legislation that would end zero hour and ‘if and when’ work practices. This follows a report published by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions that shows that precarious work is on the rise in Ireland, with over 8% of the Irish workforce now in insecure contracts….

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We must strive for the total eradication of illiteracy in Irish society

Labour Party spokesperson on Education, Senator Aodhán Ó Riordáin, has welcomed the publication of the Progress in International Reading Study, which shows Irish ten year olds are among the best in the world when it comes to literacy. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “Today’s figures confirm positive results for parents and their children, who want a…

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Statement on Brexit Talks

Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin has said that the obvious solution to the Brexit talks impasse now is for the UK as a whole to accept the need to remain within the single market and customs union to maintain regulatory alignment. Deputy Howlin said: “The Labour Party has consistently supported the position adopted by the…

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Exchequer returns show need for increased investment

Responding to the latest Exchequer Returns, Labour Finance spokesperson Joan Burton TD, said: “As I have been predicting for a number of months, the tax returns for November have exceeded profile and are now nearly €200 million ahead while expenditure is significantly below projections. I am very surprised that capital expenditure is nearly €500 million…

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Roadmap to pay equality needed to address lack of teachers

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has called on the Minister for Education to publish a roadmap to pay equality in the teaching profession. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “For the second time in the space of a week, Minister Bruton has published a subject specific action plan despite there being a lack of…

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Ireland must move to ratify UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities- Lynch

Labour spokesperson on Disability, Kathleen Lynch, has expressed concern at how long it’s taking the Government to complete the necessary steps toward ratifying the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It follows an announcement by the Minister for Disabilities over the weekend that draft legalisation due to be brought before Cabinet this…

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Government foot-dragging on zero hours contracts legislation must end – Nash

Labour Party spokesperson on Employment and Social Protection, Senator Ged Nash, has called on the Government to stop dragging its feet on legislation that would guarantee the right to a minimum range of secure working hours and to prohibit the use zero hours contracts. This follows the publication of a report by the Irish Congress…

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