Burton calls for referendum on the Eighth Amendment in early 2018

Labour TD Joan Burton has welcomed comments made by the Taoiseach in the Dáil today that he would be open to holding a referendum on the Eighth Amendment in early 2018. Taoiseach Varadkar was responding to a question from Deputy Burton on his referenda priority for the coming period. Deputy Burton said: “Today in the…

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Any further delay to National Broadband Plan unacceptable

Labour spokesperson on Communications, Seán Sherlock TD, has said reports of further delays to the rollout of the National Broadband Plan show the Government has lost control of the process. It’s after the Minister for Communications indicated that delivery of the scheme looks set to be pushed back by at least a year, to 2019….

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EPA should become Waste Regulator

Labour spokesperson on the Environment Sean Sherlock TD, has said that the Environmental Protection Agency should become a strong and independent national regulator of the municipal waste sector. The Labour Party will table an amendment in the Dáil tonight, calling for this, along with the introduction of a waiver scheme for low income households, competition…

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Government must do more to temper impact of Brexit

Labour member of the Seanad Brexit Committee, Senator Ged Nash, has welcomed the committee’s report and called for a number of measures to be introduced to temper the impact Brexit will have on Ireland. “Every party has been talking about Brexit, but only Labour is proposing tangible actions that would protect Irish jobs against a…

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Labour Councillor Group table Emergency Motion on Waste Management

The Labour Party Group on Dublin City Council have tonight tabled a motion to Dublin City Council calling for waste collection to be recognised as a vital public service. Cllr Dermot Lacey, Leader of the Labour Group on Dublin City Council said: “Waste collection is an essential public service, with knock on impacts on our…

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High number of fire safety notices in Dublin of concern

Labour Cllr Andrew Montague has said the high level of fire safety notices in Dublin, as revealed by RTE, is deeply concerning and that increased resources are needed for building inspections. Cllr Montague, who is Chair of the Planning and Property Development SPC of Dublin City Council said: “I am deeply concerned at the number…

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Community must be at the heart of Newmarket Regeneration

Labour Dublin City Councillor for the Liberties area, Cllr. Rebecca Moynihan has welcomed the ambitious plans for regeneration in the Newmarket area of Dublin 8, but said that community must be at the heart of the development, with space for local activities and the market traders who have done so much to keep Newmarket alive…

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Waste Collection must be recognised as a vital public service

Labour spokesperson on Dublin, Senator Kevin Humphreys has called on the Government to indefinitely postpone the roll out of new waste rules until a strong regulator and waiver are in place for low income families, along with a plan to restore responsibility for waste collection to local authorities. The Labour Party believes there are four…

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Penrose concerned over UK withdrawal from London Fisheries Convention

Labour spokesperson on Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Willie Penrose TD, has called on the Government to stall further progression of the Sea-Fisheries (Amendment) Bill 2017. It comes after the UK Government announced it is to withdraw from the London Fisheries Convention, preventing Irish trawlers from fishing within 12 nautical miles of the UK coastline….

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Howlin concern over future of Wexford Echo newspapers

Labour leader and Wexford TD Brendan Howlin, has expressed his concern that a provisional liquidator has been appointed to the published of Wexford’s four Echo newspapers.  Deputy Howlin said:  “It is clearly a cause of concern that such an important and longstanding newspaper group in Co. Wexford is now in provisional liquidation.  “Generations of Wexford…

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AirBnB data shows that full time lettings must be tackled

Labour spokesperson on Dublin, Senator Kevin Humphreys has re-iterated his call for the Minister for Housing to indicate whether he intends to bring forward new rules or legislation to ensure those using properties for full time, short term lets have the proper planning permission in place. Senator Humphreys will shortly publish legislation he has drafted…

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O’Sullivan welcomes publication of Citizens’ Assembly report

The Labour Party representative on the Joint Committee on the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has welcomed the publication of the Citizens’ Assembly report today. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “The report, as expected, contains a summary of the various conclusions of the Citizens’ Assembly, and I look forward to engaging with the Committee…

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Labour Party Statement

Statement by a spokesperson for the Labour Party: “We note the verdict of the jury announced earlier today. “The investigation of any criminal matter, and the conduct of any associated prosecution, is decided by An Garda Síochána and the law officers of the state who operate with complete independence from the political system. “As we…

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US Govt report highlights need for enforcement of Ireland’s anti-trafficking laws

Labour spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Senator Ivana Bacik, has expressed concern over a report by the US Government claiming that Ireland remains both a ‘destination’ and ‘source’ country for victims of human trafficking. The annual Trafficking in Persons 2016 Report by the US State Department noted that a conviction for trafficking had not been recorded…

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We need to ensure there is a return to local democracy

Speaking on the Local Government (Establishment of Town Councils Commission) Bill 2016, Labour TD for Longford – Westmeath, Willie Penrose has said we need to re-establish town councils. “I welcome this debate and I applaud Deputy Cassells for bringing forward the Local Government (Establishment of Town Councils Commission) Bill 2017. It is a start. It is…

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Critical need for 24-hour social work service for children at risk

Labour spokesperson on Children and Youth Affairs, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has welcomed Government plans to implement child welfare recommendations made by Dr Geoffrey Shannon in his Child Protection Audit. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “This is a welcome announcement from Minister Zappone that she is to put in place Dr Shannon’s recommendations; however it is critical that…

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Government needs to get its act together on the Baptism Barrier

A year on since the Government and Fianna Fáil sent Labour’s Bill to amend the Equal Status Act to allow local children attend local schools regardless of their religion, for public consultation, Labour spokesperson on Education, Joan Burton TD, has called on the Government to take real action on the baptism barrier by getting its…

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Time for Government to Implement tenancy Deposit Protection Scheme

Labour spokesperson on Housing, Jan O’Sullivan TD has called on the Government to implement the long delayed tenancy deposit protection scheme. The law to allow for this was passed in 2015, and two years on it is time for the new Minister for Housing to act and allow the Residential Tenancies Board to launch the…

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Answers needed on Devereux case- Howlin

Labour leader, Brendan Howlin TD, has called on the Government to urgently clarify how a decision was made to separate an elderly couple for the first time in over 60 years under the Fair Deal scheme. Deputy Howlin raised the case of Michael and Kathleen Devereux with the Taoiseach in the Dáil today. Deputy Howlin…

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Minister must ensure older people are not exploited

Labour Spokesperson on Health, Alan Kelly TD, has expressed concern at reports nursing home residents are facing ‘secretive’ extra charges for activities they’re not taking part in. It follows an investigation by the Sunday Independent that found some older people are being hit with rising bills for activities they don’t actually partake in. Deputy Kelly…

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Delay in Summer Economic Statement Unacceptable

Labour spokesperson on Finance, Joan Burton has said that a further four week delay to the publication of the Summer Economic Statement is unacceptable, and further undermines efforts to reform the budgetary process and ensure proper parliamentary scrutiny. In particular it will delay the work of the Oireachtas Committee on Budgetary Oversight. Deputy Burton said:…

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Ireland Pass the Test- Ryan

Labour Spokesperson on Sport and TD for Dublin-Fingal Brendan Ryan, has welcomed the decision by the International Cricket Council to award Ireland full Test status. Deputy Ryan said: “It has taken ten long years but the news today that Ireland has been awarded full Test status is great for the sport in Ireland, and a…

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O’Sullivan disappointment over missed deadline for homeless family accommodation

Labour Housing Spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has expressed her disappointment that the deadline to move homeless families out of hotels by July 1st will not be met. Deputy O’Sullivan commented: “I am most disheartened to hear confirmation from the Minister today that children and families in such a vulnerable situation will remain in hotels and…

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Speech by Brendan Howlin TD on Statements on Appointments to the Court of Appeal

At the outset, I want to make one thing immensely clear. I have known Ms. Justice Máire Whelan for many, many years.  She is a person of integrity and passion, with a steely determination and an absolute commitment to leaving our nation a better place than she found it. I knew her back when I…

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