Pension age hike must be halted

Speaking in relation to Labour’s proposal to halt the rise of the pension age, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, called on the government to accept that we don’t need to raise the pension age to 67 in 2021 as this is unfair to a cohort of workers who have already worked…

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Labour LGBT supports call for National Gender Service Investigation

Labour LGBT, the LGBT section of the Irish Labour Party is officially supporting calls for an an investigation into the National Gender Service at St Colmcilles Hospital, Loughlinstown, Dublin. Speaking on the matter, Labour LGBT Co Chairs Aoife Leahy and James Joy said: “The recent news that the National Gender Service in Loughlinstown misplaced over 100…

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Full school fire audit needed

Labour Party Education spokesperson, Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called for a full audit of fire safety resources in schools. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “It is time for a full audit of all fire safety resources in our schools. “We know that the Government are  spending millions on remedial works for schools, it is appropriate that…

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Govt failing renters in Fingal

Labour By-Election candidate for Fingal, Cllr Duncan Smith, has said the Government is continuing to fail renters in Dublin North County. It comes as the latest quarterly report from shows average rents in the area have risen by a whopping 5.6%. Cllr Smith said: “Today’s report from Daft makes for grim reading and shows…

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Gridlock: Traffic cameras needed in bus lanes

Labour spokesperson on Transport, Senator Kevin Humphreys, has slammed the move by Minister Ross not to legislate to install traffic cameras on bus lanes to fine drivers who use them illegally. Senator Humphreys said: “The purpose of the BusConnects scheme is to reduce the number of private cars on our roads by getting drivers out…

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Rental crisis- time to freeze rents

Labour Housing spokesperson Deputy Jan O’Sullivan has said it is time for a rent freeze to be introduced to give renters a much needed break. It comes as the latest quarterly rental report from shows that average rents in Ireland have risen again to record highs. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “The latest quarterly figures from…

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Government have no vision for Midlands

Speaking in relation to the closure of ESB plants in the Midlands, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, said that the government has no vision and is not providing enough hope of good employment for future generations of workers in the Midlands. Brendan said: “The government is moving in the right direction…

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Clarity needed on National Maternity Hospital site

Labour Party spokesperson on Health, Alan Kelly TD has called on Minister for Health to take control of the situation regarding the National Maternity Hospital. This comes as the former master of the National Maternity Hospital, Peter Boylan has claimed that the NMH site is still under religious control. Deputy Kelly said: “It is time…

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Labour to outline plans for An Equal Society

The Labour Party’s annual national conference takes place in Mullingar tomorrow and will focus on the party’s commitment to Building an Equal Society. The conference will also see the official launch of Labour’s By-Election campaign and the intensification of preparation for the next General Election. Labour’s five key policy areas of Jobs, Housing, Health, Children…

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Job losses: Proper investment needed in the Midlands

Responding to news of the closure of two ESB plants in the Midlands next year, Labour TD for Longford Westmeath, Willie Penrose said: “ESB and Bórd na Móna have been major employers in the Midlands for many years, playing a pivotal role in providing good employment for the region. “We all accept that change is…

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Traffic chaos: Let children go free on Dublin transport in December

Labour Transport spokesperson, Senator Kevin Humphreys, has called for free fares for children to be instated on public transport in Dublin in December in a bid to encourage more people to leave their cars at home in the run up to Christmas. Senator Humphreys said: “Anyone travelling in and out of Dublin City Centre at…

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Howlin calls for progressive unity in by-elections

Speaking about the Dáil debate on moving the Writ for the four Bye-elections, the leader of the Labour Party, Brendan Howlin TD, called for unity among progressive parties and independents to oppose the conservative Fine Gael-Fianna Fáil partnership government. Brendan said: “Labour has four excellent candidates standing in these elections: John Maher in Cork North-Central;…

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O’Sullivan says RTE restructuring plan and decision to close Limerick studio must be fought

Limerick Labour T.D Jan O’Sullivan says RTE’s decision to close its Limerick studio and move Lyric FM to Dublin and Cork must be resisted. The Limerick T.D said: “We have to come together and fight this, RTE is a national public service broadcaster and not a Dublin public service broadcaster. The NUJ are meeting today…

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Galvin calls for Emergency Kildare County Council meeting over Irish Water

Cllr. Ciara Galvin of the Celbridge-Leixlip Municipal District has today (Wednesday 6th November) called for an emergency meeting of Kildare County Council on the matter of the ongoing Boil Water Notice situation.  Cllr. Galvin is also calling for a representative of Irish Water to attend. “Irish Water’s handling of the current Boil Water Notice has…

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Government has failed Cork Health Services

Cork University Hospital asks public to explore other options before attending Emergency Department – 65 on trolleys today. Labour Cork Cllr John Maher has called for urgent action from the Government to address the crisis in Cork University Hospital where there were 65 people on trolleys today, that a plan is needed to alleviate the…

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Howlin concern over Taoiseach migration comments

Labour Party leader Brendan Howlin TD, has expressed concern that the Taoiseach’s comments on illegal migration risk giving people the wrong perception on the scale of the issue. Deputy Howlin said: “The most recent statistics show net migration to Ireland of nearly 34,000 people in the last year, but that is composed of 55,000 people…

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Keep St Joseph’s Dementia Care Centre open

Responding to reports of the planned closure of Saint Joseph’s Dementia Care home in Shankill in Dublin, Labour Senator and member of the All Party Oireachtas Group on Dementia, Kevin Humphreys, said: “I’m extremely concerned by today’s Morning Ireland report on the mooted closure of St. Joseph’s in Shankill. It was clear to anyone listening…

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Extending free flu jab could help ease hospital pressure

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has called on the Government to provide free flu vaccinations across the board to help counter winter viruses and as a measure to reduce trolley numbers later in the year. Deputy Kelly said: “Despite thousands of people ending up on trolleys every week in our hospitals, we know…

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Harris must publish winter hospital plan

Responding to INMO trolleywatch figures for today, which show 679 patients on trolleys, Labour Party Health spokesperson Alan Kelly TD, has said the trolley trends are worrying and we need to see real proposals from Minister Harris this week. Deputy Kelly said: “Today 679 patients are on trolleys, this is the highest trolley count for…

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Operation Freeflow- time to get Dublin traffic moving

Labour Transport spokesperson, Senator Kevin Humphreys, has called for Operation Freeflow to be implemented in Dublin City to deal with the traffic gridlock in the lead up to Christmas. Senator Humphreys said: “Anyone who travels through Dublin City either by car, public transport or on the bike will be aware of the dreadful traffic congestion…

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Rescources must be retained in Drogheda area to beat gangs

Labour Senator in Louth & East Meath Ged Nash has called for Garda resources to be retained and increased in the wake of the latest incident linked to the ongoing Drogheda feud. A 39-year-old man was shot dead in Bettystown in East Meath late last night. Senator Nash said: “Last night’s fatal shooting is a…

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Answers needed on Leixlip Water Treatment Plant issues

Labour Party by-election candidate Dublin Fingal, Duncan Smith, has called for urgent investment is needed to upgrade the Leixlip water treatment plant. This comes as 600,000 homes in North County Dublin, Kildare and Meath have received their second boil water notice  Councillor Smith said: “It is incredible that for the second time in less than…

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Statement on the death of Gay Byrne

Commenting on the announcement today of the death of veteran RTÉ broadcaster, Gay Byrne, Labour Party leader Brendan Howlin, said: “I’m really saddened to hear of the passing of Gay Byrne today, and on behalf of the Labour Party I would like to express my deepest sympathies to Gay’s family, friends and colleagues at RTÉ….

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Harris must outline when RCOG report will be published

Labour Party Health spokesperson, Alan Kelly TD, has called on the Minister for Health to set out when the RCOG review will be released. The RCOG review into CervicalCheck was due to be published in October. Deputy Kelly said: “The Government have moved the goalposts several times when it comes to the RCOG review into…

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