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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Schools’ Return an Opportunity to Assess Impact of Pandemic – Catch-Up for Children Scheme Needed

Now that all age cohorts have returned to school, analysis is needed to assess the impact of prolonged school closures. The Labour Party’s ‘Catch-Up for Children’ scheme would provide €100m in targeted funding to help make up for lost class time and related benefits. Calls to Labour Party representatives show that the effects of pandemic-related…

Ivana Bacik TD
15 April 2021

Major breakthrough for the School for the Deaf, Cabra

HSE commits to retaining and protecting the existing speech and language therapy service. Following a meeting today between Minister Rabbitte, HSE Dublin North City and County, the principal and parents of the School for the Deaf, Cabra and Senator Marie Sherlock; Senator Sherlock expressed her delight and relief at the major break-though for the school…

14 April 2021

Sustained focus needed on Jobs and Domestic Economy

Supports must be maintained to help indigenous jobs and businesses. Vaccine programme crucial for jobs and business recovery. Plan needed to tackle youth unemployment levels . Responding to today’s publication of the Stability Programme Update, Labour’s Finance spokesperson Ged Nash said he wants to see a sustained focus on jobs and the domestic economy to address…

14 April 2021

Rental market continues to suck the soul out of Dublin

Responding to the news that Dublin has retained its position as the fifth most expensive city in Europe for expats to rent in, Labour housing spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan has called for a radical rethink of rental policy by the Government to protect young workers in particular. Coming in costlier than European cities like Rome,…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
14 April 2021

No student should be forced to pay for mandatory hotel quarantine

Labour spokesperson on Further and Higher Education Annie Hoey has urged the Minister for Further and Higher Education to urgently assuage the concerns of young people studying abroad and ensure that no student is forced to pay for mandatory hotel quarantine if their travel is associated with education and training. Senator Hoey said: “It is…

Senator Annie Hoey image
14 April 2021

Photo call 10am LH Plinth – Launch of the UNFPA 2021 State of World Population Report

Photocall: 10am, Leinster House Plinth Launch of the UNFPA 2021 State of World Population Report Members of Oireachtas All Party Group on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights support launch of flagship United Nations report in Ireland The All Party Group on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights is holding a photo call to support…

Labour Trade Unionists
14 April 2021

NIAC clarification needed on use of AstraZeneca in under 60s

In what scenarios might the benefit outweigh the risks? Following the publication of NIAC advice on the AstraZeneca vaccine yesterday, Labour Party Leader and Health spokesperson Alan Kelly TD has called for it to clarify a key statement in the conclusion about the use of the vaccine in under 60’s where it says it could…

13 April 2021

Exploitation in the Red Meat Sector must end before expansion of employment permit system in Ireland

Responding to the Meat Industry Ireland’s (MII) presentation to the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Enterprise, Trade and Employment, committee member and Labour employment spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock said that there are serious questions for the red meat sector in supporting an expansion of the employment permits system in Ireland. Senator Sherlock said: “MII have failed…

13 April 2021

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