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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Momentous night for Bohemians Football club and for the Phibsborough Community as Dalymount redevelopment approved

Local Labour Party Senator Marie Sherlock warmly congratulated Bohemians Football club on the approval by Dublin City Councillors this evening of  the redevelopment plans for their Stadium. This project has endured many twists and turns and it is to the credit of Dublin City Council Chief Executive Richard Shakespeare and his staff led by Don…

12 February 2024

Workers wait while corporate profits soar – pay increases needed

2024 pay increases must encompass catch up with cost of living Labour workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock has backed ICTU’s call for private sector pay increases of between 4% to 6%. Senator Sherlock said: “The reality is that while many private sector workers took real wages cuts in the face of enormous hikes in the…

12 February 2024

New CCTV Powers to Tackle Illegal Dumping welcome

Labour’s Senator Mark Wall in Kildare South welcomes the announcement granting Councils the authority to utilise CCTV to combat the pervasive issue of illegal dumping. Senator Wall said “The introduction of CCTV to identify and prosecute those responsible for illegal dumping is a long overdue measure. Our communities have been burdened for too long by…

Senator Mark Wall
12 February 2024

Where’s the plan for construction apprentice’s pay? Sherlock Calls Out Minister Simon Harris’s new €750,000 advertising budget to attract workers back

Labour’s Worker’s Rights Spokesperson Senator Marie Sherlock has today called out Minister Simon Harris for his latest political announcement in attempting to increase the number of construction workers in this country. Senator Sherlock said: “Instead of meaningful change to address the challenges associated with the recruitment and retention of construction apprentices in Ireland and instead…

12 February 2024

Swift, heavy and enforceable fines for employers who deny collective bargaining rights to workers says Sherlock

Labour Party spokesperson on Workers’ Rights Marie Sherlock, has today called for swift, heavy, and enforceable fines to be handed out to employers who deny workers their civil right to collective bargaining through a trade union. Speaking in advance of a special event in Connect Trade Union later today to discuss a plan of action…

10 February 2024

Irish MEPs have serious questions to answer over Russia vote in European Parliament

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin expressed his concern at some Irish MEPs failure to support a resolution in the European Parliament calling for immediate investigations into MEPs acting as agents of influence for Russian. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “We are approaching the two year anniversary of the brutal invasion of Ukraine by Russia. Ireland…

08 February 2024

Government fails renters: Rental costs soar and crisis deepens

Labour Leader and Housing Spokesperson Ivana Bacik TD was today reacting to the latest Residential Tenancies Board report which shows that renters are being hit with rent hikes of more than double the legal caps in some rent pressure zones, and that new tenancies are seeing rental cost rises of more than five times the…

Ivana Bacik TD
08 February 2024

Dublin’s progressive new transport plan is a small step in the right direction

Labour’s Transport Spokesperson Duncan Smith TD has said that the new Dublin City Transport Plan, which will reform traffic flow in the heart of our capital, is only a small step forward in the fight against climate change. “Our city centre has been bogged down by an incessant stream of through-traffic, with Dublin ranking as…

08 February 2024

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