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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Dublin’s progressive new transport plan is a small step in the right direction

Labour’s Transport Spokesperson Duncan Smith TD has said that the new Dublin City Transport Plan, which will reform traffic flow in the heart of our capital, is only a small step forward in the fight against climate change. “Our city centre has been bogged down by an incessant stream of through-traffic, with Dublin ranking as…

08 February 2024

Labour demands Government intervention on arson attacks

Growing arson attacks earmarked as accommodation centres for International Protection Applicants demands immediate action. Labour’s Justice Spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD has written to the chair of the Justice Committee calling for urgent action on the worrying increase in alleged arson attacks targeting buildings earmarked as accommodation centres for International Protection Applicants. Deputy Ó Riordáin…

08 February 2024

Elitist school admission policies must end

Labour’s education spokesperson Aodhan Ó Riordáin TD has called for action on the ongoing struggle faced by parents who are unable to secure school places for their children at the second level. The current system, which reserves a quarter of school places for the children or grandchildren of past pupils, perpetuates exclusion and elitism, exacerbating…

07 February 2024

Government has sided with platform operators over workers

Government must answer questions on role in blocking approval of Platform Workers Directive Labour workers’ rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock has said the Government must answer questions about why it blocked approval of the EU Directive on Platform work. Questioning the Government’s motivation in prioritising online platform owners over the thousands of platform workers, Senator Sherlock…

07 February 2024

Urgent decision by Government needed on Housing Grants

Labour’s Senator Mark Wall, representing the people of Kildare South, was today highlighting the pressing issue of inadequate housing aid grants and housing adaption grants. With limits of €30,000 for the housing adaptation grant and €8,000 for housing aid, families are left struggling to bridge the significant financial gap required for essential home upgrades. The…

Senator Mark Wall
07 February 2024

As Paris leads by example Government need to tackle car bloat in cities and towns

Labour’s Climate Spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan today follow the actions of Parisians and take action to tackle car bloat in our urban areas. Senator Moynihan said “With SUVs gaining popularity, their disproportionate contribution to pollution demands immediate attention. Government urgently need to address the issue of car bloat in Irish cities. Parisians’ recently voted to…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
06 February 2024

Horgan seeks full publication of Cork Event Centre documentation

Labour Cork City Rep demands additional State Aid request to be revealed. The sod was turned on the project in 2016 by former Taoiseach Enda Kenny but no building progress of any kind has taken place since, but Exchequer commitments have grown to €57 million. Labour’s Cork City South East Representative Peter Horgan has called…

02 February 2024

Nash tells PayPal executives to identify alternatives to redundancies

Labour’s enterprise spokesperson Deputy Ged Nash has spoken with PayPal Executives this afternoon as the company has revealed it is considering letting 205 staff go, across their remote working (Dundalk) and Blanchardstown operations. This latest development comes on top of a spate of redundancies across the business in Ireland in recent years. Labour’s Louth TD…

01 February 2024

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