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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

We need to remunicipalise Ireland’s waste management system

Senator Rebecca Moynihan, has issued a pressing call for immediate action following the EPA report today that Ireland is set to fall short of meeting crucial EU recycling targets. Senator Moynihan said: “Recent statistics indicate a worrying trend, highlighting the urgent need for a significant overhaul in waste management practices and a robust governmental commitment…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
28 November 2023

Seanad to debate miscarriage and fertility leave

Labour Bill would provide up to 20 days paid leave for early pregnancy loss and up to 10 days for fertility treatments Seanad debate to be held Wednesday at 4:30pm INTO and National Women’s Council of Ireland to join Labour public meeting this evening at 8pm Labour workers rights spokesperson Marie Sherlock has urged all…

27 November 2023

FRT legislation latest distraction

Labour justice spokesperson Aodhan O Riordain said the Justice Minister must stop producing legislation in an attempt to deflect from serious issues in justice. Deputy O Riordain said there has been a consistent pattern of announcing legislation to distract people from the key issues of a lack of resources for frontline workers like Gardai. Deputy…

26 November 2023

Statement from Ivana Bacik on homelessness figures

It is difficult to think of anything other than the children who are in care for their injuries following the vicious attack yesterday. As the city comes to grips with the violence and destruction of last night, we will need to review how we, as a nation, have got to this place. The Department of…

Ivana Bacik TD
24 November 2023

Sherlock calls for working people of Dublin to support ICTU act of solidarity

Labour spokesperson on Workers’ Rights and Dublin Central representative, Senator Marie Sherlock has today (Friday, 24th November) encouraged all the workers of Dublin to support the Irish Congress of Trade Unions act of solidarity this Monday (27thNovember). Senator Sherlock said: “We are calling on the workers of Dublin to assemble at the GPO this Monday…

24 November 2023

Tragic day for Dublin

Labour health and transport spokesperson Duncan Smith has expressed his solidarity with all working in the capital in extraordinary difficult circumstances. Deputy Smith said: “I want to express solidarity with all frontline workers that keep our city safe and moving who last night were subject to vicious rioting, intimidation and violence. “To see the scenes…

24 November 2023

Statement from Labour leader Ivana Bacik

Across the country, we are all lost for words this evening. Nothing can convey in strong enough terms how much we all – across communities – are sending strength and hope for a full recovery to those who have been attacked, to their families, friends – and to witnesses too. Every parent is holding their…

Ivana Bacik TD
23 November 2023

Statement on reported attacks at Parnell Square

Labour justice and education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has expressed his solidarity with all those impacted by the reported attack at Parnell Square today. “This is a deeply traumatic and shocking incident. Our thoughts are with everyone caught up in this event and the school community that has been impacted. “It appears that staff and…

23 November 2023

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