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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Government must commit to increasing local authority inspectors

Private Residential Tenancies register must be amended Following the publication of research from Threshold showing the availability of more shortterm lets than long-term in key urban areas, Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has called on government to increase local authority inspectors to end the practice of landlords circumventing the planning permission rules. Senator Moynihan said:…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
21 March 2022

Those lost during Covid must never be forgotten says Smith

Labour Party TD for Dublin Fingal and Health Spokesperson Duncan Smith has today (Sunday 20th March) expressed the solidarity and support of Labour Party members to all those grieving the loss of loved ones who died during the pandemic and to the frontline workers still battling Covid on hospital wards across the county. Deputy Smith,…

20 March 2022

Sherlock describes sham redundancies at P&O Ferries as disgraceful and callous

Labour employment spokesperson Marie Sherlock has tonight (Thursday, 17th March) described the behaviour of the management at P&O Ferries as disgraceful and callous following the shock announcement of 800 job losses at the company. Expressing solidarity with the workers Senator Sherlock said: “It is absolutely disgraceful and callous that P&O Ferries would fire one fifth…

17 March 2022

Pandemic payment must be paid to all health staff

Labour’s health spokesperson Duncan Smith has today (Wednesday, 16th March) written to the Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly to demand his immediate intervention to resolve a potential dispute between health care workers, union representatives and health service employers. Deputy Smith said: “What was a good news story for health care workers is now becoming incredibly…

16 March 2022

Government housing strategy continues to lock people out of home ownership

Labour housing spokesperson Rebecca Moynihan has called on government to deliver more affordable cost rental properties for people squeezed by the housing market. With residential property prices growing by 14.8% in the year to January, Senator Moynihan said the lack of urgency from the Minister to redress the imbalance in the market is deeply concerning….

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
16 March 2022

Illegal adoption report recommendations must be implemented

Speaking following the publication of a report of the Ombudsman for Children, Dr. Conor O’Mahony, on illegal adoption in Ireland, Labour Spokesperson for Children Ivana Bacik TD has called on the Government to implement its recommendations quickly. Deputy Bacik said: “The publication of today’s report should act as impetus for long-overdue progress in Ireland. In…

Ivana Bacik TD
14 March 2022

Questions must be answered about DEIS school funding

Labour education spokesperson Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on the Minister to outline the specific rationale used for the DEIS school funding announced by the Department yesterday. Deputy Ó Ríordáin said: “At a briefing for Education spokespeople yesterday, a considerable amount of time was spent on explaining the DEIS identification model which has been used…

10 March 2022

Outdated sexist language must be removed from the Constitution says Bacik

Labour Spokesperson on Equality and Chairperson of the Oireachtas Committee on Gender Equality, Ivana Bacik has today (Thursday, 10th March) said that outdated and sexist language concerning women in the Constitution must be removed by referendum. Speaking following a meeting of the Gender Equality Committee Deputy Bacik said: “This morning, we heard from a range…

Ivana Bacik TD
10 March 2022

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