Rent Deposit Protection Scheme should be implemented following Taoiseachs support

Labour Community Affairs spokesperson, Cllr Andrew Montague has called on the Government to implement the long delayed rent deposit protection scheme and ensure that the law is changed so that landlords can only seek up to one months rent as a deposit. The law to allow for a protection scheme was passed in 2015, and…

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FG afraid to take on the Independent Alliance

After another week of national embarrassment, Labour Senator Kevin Humphreys said it has become clear that Fine Gael is afraid to take on the erratic and damaging behaviour of the Independent Alliance in order to remain in power. Sen. Humphreys said: “As Fine Gael meets for the second day of their National Conference, it is…

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Nash backs calls for Employer Red-Alert Guidelines

Echoing the call of the widow of one of the three people tragically killed in Storm Ophelia, Labour Senator Ged Nash has backed the proposals for clear guidelines for employers in status red situations. Senator Nash said: “The country-wide red alert for Storm Ophelia was a first for Ireland, it is now clear that guidelines…

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Varadkar and Coveney need to get their stories straight on Brexit

Labour Leader Brendan Howlin has today called on Taoiseach Leo Varadkar and Minister Simon Coveney to put an end to confusion over Brexit, and clearly outline the progress being made in negotiations. “Earlier this week, when questioned by Labour TDs, Taoiseach Leo Varadkar stated that “I am now of the view that it is likely…

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Time to recognise rights of homeless children- O’Sullivan

Five years to the day since the Children’s Referendum to guarantee the rights of children in our constitution, Labour Housing spokesperson Jan O’Sullivan has said it is now time to recognise the rights of homeless children and the family unit. The Labour Party will use Private Members Time in the Dáil on Wednesday to debate…

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Pathway to City Status for Drogheda needed

With submissions now closed to the National Planning Framework, Labour Senator Ged Nash has said that a pathway must now be set out by the Government to allow Drogheda to achieve city status, and that it must be recognised in the final document. Senator Nash said: “Drogheda is Ireland’s largest town and the broader urban…

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Action needed to restore trust of patients in waiting list system

Labour Health spokesperson Alan Kelly TD, has said action is needed to ensure best practice is observed in the management of hospital waiting lists to restore the trust of patients in the system that medical need will be prioritised. It follows an audit by the National Treatment Purchase Fund that identified long delays in the…

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Full Dail debate needed on Paradise Papers

The revelations from the Paradise Papers highlight once again the need for a Standing Commission on Taxation in order to tackle tax avoidance, according to Labour Finance spokesperson Joan Burton as she spoke on a Topical Issue in the Dáil, where she also called for a full debate on the Papers. Deputy Burton said: “The…

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Arts funding must be contingent on harassment training

Labour Party spokesperson on Community Arts, Councillor Rebecca Moynihan, has welcomed measures to tackle harassment in the Arts industry announced by the Minister for Arts. Councillor Moynihan said: “Today’s announcement by Minister Humphreys that measures, including harassment training, are to be introduced to deal with harassment and bullying in the Arts sector is a very…

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Government must show positive action on rural post offices – Penrose

Labour Party spokesperson on Rural and Community Affairs, Willie Penrose TD, has said that the Government must give clarity around the future of the Post Office network. Deputy Penrose said: “There is fear in rural Ireland at the moment over the certainty of the future of their local post offices. While speaking on RTÉ this…

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Women should be on equal footing with men in the workplace- Kingston

Labour spokesperson on Equality, Councillor Deirdre Kingston, has said the controversy surrounding John Halligan’s interview questions highlights that despite some progress, there is still a level of gender bias against women in the workplace. Councillor Kingston said: “The Ireland of today is thankfully a different place to the days when married women were forced out…

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Taoiseach’s confidence on Brexit tough to explain- Howlin

Labour leader and party spokesperson on Foreign Affairs, Brendan Howlin TD, has queried the basis for the Taoiseach’s assertion that the Brexit talks could progress beyond the initial stage following the European Council in December.  Deputy Howlin said: “While we would all like to imagine that significant progress can be made on alleviating the impact…

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Part time Detective Inspector for ODCE not good enough

Following questions to the Taoiseach in the Dáil it was confirmed to Labour Party Leader Brendan Howlin that the vacancy in a position of Garda Detective Inspector in the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement is now being filled on a part time basis. The vacancy in the most senior Garda position in the…

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Minister Halligan should consider his position

Speaking ahead of the debate this evening in the Dáil on the Equality (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2017, Labour spokesperson on Justice, Seán Sherlock TD, has called on Minister John Halligan to consider his position following the findings of the WRC regarding his conduct in an interview. Deputy Sherlock said: “This evening the Dáil is debating…

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Portlaoise A&E must not be downgraded – Wall

Labour Party General Election candidate for Kildare South Councillor Mark Wall, has called on the Minister for Health to ensure that there is no downgrading of Accident and Emergency services in the Midland Regional Hospital in Portlaoise. Councillor Wall said: “The Minister for Health needs to ensure there is no downgrading of services in Portlaoise….

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Taoiseach should respond to elderly woman on hunger strike without delay

Kathryn Nelson, an elderly woman living in Clough, Ballacolla, Co Laois, has been on hunger strike since the 24th October. She is a former teacher and successful international businesswoman. Some days prior to going on hunger strike she sent a letter to the Taoiseach outlining the reasons why she felt obliged to take such drastic…

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CSO figures highlight need for affordable housing scheme

Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has said the latest CSO figures that show a 13% jump in house prices nationally over the past year, highlight the need for a national affordable housing scheme. The figures published today also show the price of a house in Dublin has risen by a whopping 87% since 2013….

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Time to pass Public Health Alcohol Bill

Labour Health Promotion and Drugs Strategy spokesperson, Cllr Martina Genockey, has called for the passing of the Public Health Alcohol Bill in the Seanad today. Cllr Genockey said: “Today the Public Health Alcohol Bill will back on the agenda as it comes in front of the Seanad. I am calling for all parties to come…

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Taoiseach should reconsider inviting Trump to Ireland

On the one year anniversary of the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States, Labour Party Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has called on the Taoiseach to reconsider inviting President Trump to Ireland. It comes as figures by Amárach Research show that 78% of Irish people surveyed earlier this week said their view…

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Action needed on staff shortages in primary schools- Ó Ríordáin

Labour spokesperson on Education, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin, has said action needs to be taken to address staff shortages in the primary school sector. It comes after a survey from the Catholic Primary School Management Association found principals were unable to find a qualified sub-teacher to fill one-in-three vacancies. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “The results…

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Irish Rail CEO has questions to answer- Humphreys

Labour Transport spokesperson, Senator Kevin Humphreys has criticised the recent conduct of the Irish Rail CEO, saying he has questions to answer about the collapse of recent talks at the WRC, his letter to employees this week, and the internal financial preparations by management for a strike. Senator Humphreys has said it is time for…

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National pronouncements of support for traveller rights must be matched by local action

Progression of traveller site voted down in Dun Laoghaire Labour Party Spokesperson on Equality Cllr. Deirdre Kingston has expressed disappointment at the lack of support for the progression of a traveller accommodation site at a meeting of the Dun Laoghaire Area Committee yesterday evening, despite it being included in a programme adopted by councillors in…

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Yesterday’s arrests are a timely reminder of what Gardaí do every day to protect our communities

Labour Party candidate for Dublin Bay North, Senator Aodhán Ó Ríordáin has congratulated the Gardaí on their excellent detective work in Marino and across the city yesterday evening. Senator Ó Ríordáin said: “While controversies around Garda management issues regularly make the rounds in Irish media, yesterday’s arrests are a timely reminder of what Gardaí do…

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O’Sullivan support for NCT-style inspections for private rental sector

Labour Housing spokesperson, Jan O’Sullivan TD, has pledged support for proposals by the housing charity Threshold for an NCT-style system of inspections for the private rental sector. Deputy O’Sullivan said: “The shocking revelations in last week’s RTÉ Investigates programme have shown just how far some rogue landlords are prepared to go in order to make…

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