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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Conor Sheehan selected as Labour’s candidate for Mayor of Limerick

Labour members in Limerick gathered last night as Councillor Conor Sheehan was selected as Labour’s candidate for Directly Elected Mayor of Limerick. Labour Leader Ivana Bacik, Deputy Alan Kelly and Labour Candidate for Ireland South Niamh Hourigan were all in attendance at the event. Conor Sheehan has worked as a Councillor for Limerick City North…

23 April 2024

Govt must introduce clear road accident data

⁠GDPR excuse well out of date Motorists must be aware of dangerous spots Labour transport spokesperson Duncan Smith has called on the Transport Minister to publish accurate monthly data on road safety. Deputy Smith said: “The European Commission has urged all Member States to formally report on serious injuries on the roads, and it’s something…

22 April 2024

Earth Day a timely reminder that carbon and fiscal Budgets should be published together

Labour leader Ivana Bacik has called on Government to publish its carbon and fiscal Budgets at the same time this year. Speaking at the Friends of the Earth conference today, Deputy Bacik said Government must take greater leadership when it comes to reducing emissions. Deputy Bacik said: “All the evidence from science is clear, and…

Ivana Bacik TD
22 April 2024

University of Galway must expedite review of links with Israeli institutions

Labour’s Midlands North-West Candidate calls on University of Galway to urgently review any links with Israeli institutions Fergal Landy, Labour’s Midlands North-West candidate for the upcoming European elections, has urged the University of Galway to ensure a thorough and speedy review of its links with Israeli academic institutions in the face of an ongoing war…

22 April 2024

Europe’s Accelerating Climate Crisis: Time for action, not denial

Labour’s Climate Spokesperson Senator Rebecca Moynihan was today reacting to the alarming findings of the State of the Climate report from the EU Copernicus Climate Change Service. Released today, the report reveals that Europe is experiencing the fastest warming among all continents, with temperatures rising at twice the global rate. The impact is undeniable, with…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
22 April 2024

Plans for PRSI rebate is zero sum game for low income workers. Complete lack of imagination to supporting incomes and businesses.

Government appears content to let thousands of firms close because of outstanding warehoused debt A proposed PRSI rebate will inevitably lock low income workers to wages linked to the reduced PRSI threshold Government is showing no imagination to helping wages and businesses survive.   Responding to reports that Government is planning to introduce a PRSI…

21 April 2024

Why are low energy consumers denied vital credits?

Labour’s Senator Mark Wall was today condemning the oversight which has resulted in low usage electricity consumers not being entitled to the electricity credit. Senator Wall said: “It’s unacceptable that those who are already struggling are being penalised in this manner. In the midst of the cost of living crisis, many households are facing a…

Senator Mark Wall
18 April 2024

If the EPP are really ‘4 farmers’ then they should abandon Mercosur says Labour MEP candidate Niamh Hourigan

Labour Ireland South candidate Niamh Hourigan has called out Fine Gael’s lack of vision or ambition for Irish farmers. Tomorrow (Friday, 19th April), the European People’s Party, of which Fine Gael is a leading light, is hosting an event in Carlow where EPP Vice Chair Siegfried Muresan will outline an EPP vision for agriculture. Hourigan…

18 April 2024

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