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Latest news and press releases from our public reps are below.

Burton calls for referendum on the Eighth Amendment in early 2018

Labour TD Joan Burton has welcomed comments made by the Taoiseach in the Dáil today that he would be open to holding a referendum on the Eighth Amendment in early 2018. Taoiseach Varadkar was responding to a question from Deputy Burton on his referenda priority for the coming period. Deputy Burton said: “Today in the…

Labour Admin

04 July 2017

Any further delay to National Broadband Plan unacceptable

Labour spokesperson on Communications, Seán Sherlock TD, has said reports of further delays to the rollout of the National Broadband Plan show the Government has lost control of the process. It’s after the Minister for Communications indicated that delivery of the scheme looks set to be pushed back by at least a year, to 2019….

Seán Sherlock TD
04 July 2017

EPA should become Waste Regulator

Labour spokesperson on the Environment Sean Sherlock TD, has said that the Environmental Protection Agency should become a strong and independent national regulator of the municipal waste sector. The Labour Party will table an amendment in the Dáil tonight, calling for this, along with the introduction of a waiver scheme for low income households, competition…

Seán Sherlock TD
04 July 2017

Government must do more to temper impact of Brexit

Labour member of the Seanad Brexit Committee, Senator Ged Nash, has welcomed the committee’s report and called for a number of measures to be introduced to temper the impact Brexit will have on Ireland. “Every party has been talking about Brexit, but only Labour is proposing tangible actions that would protect Irish jobs against a…

04 July 2017


The Labour Party will hold a doorstep at 11.30am today, Tuesday 4th July, on the Leinster House plinth to outline our amendment to the FF private members motion on bin charges. What: Labour Party position on Bin charges motion Where: Leinster House Plinth When: 11.30am, Tuesday 4th July

Labour Councillor Group table Emergency Motion on Waste Management

The Labour Party Group on Dublin City Council have tonight tabled a motion to Dublin City Council calling for waste collection to be recognised as a vital public service. Cllr Dermot Lacey, Leader of the Labour Group on Dublin City Council said: “Waste collection is an essential public service, with knock on impacts on our…

03 July 2017

High number of fire safety notices in Dublin of concern

Labour Cllr Andrew Montague has said the high level of fire safety notices in Dublin, as revealed by RTE, is deeply concerning and that increased resources are needed for building inspections. Cllr Montague, who is Chair of the Planning and Property Development SPC of Dublin City Council said: “I am deeply concerned at the number…

Labour Admin

03 July 2017

Community must be at the heart of Newmarket Regeneration

Labour Dublin City Councillor for the Liberties area, Cllr. Rebecca Moynihan has welcomed the ambitious plans for regeneration in the Newmarket area of Dublin 8, but said that community must be at the heart of the development, with space for local activities and the market traders who have done so much to keep Newmarket alive…

Senator Rebecca Moynihan
03 July 2017

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